The next hurdle for gun enthusiasts. A new group has formed called, Ammunition Accountability - Saving lives one bullet at a time.
Beware - this is a serious subject and whether or not this group gets "controlled" ammunition passed, may depend on YOU!!!!!!! You may want to call your Congressman and tell him or her that you do NOT want the proposed Ammunition Accountability bill passed. If you don't know who your Congressman is - go to:
Beware - this is a serious subject and whether or not this group gets "controlled" ammunition passed, may depend on YOU!!!!!!! You may want to call your Congressman and tell him or her that you do NOT want the proposed Ammunition Accountability bill passed. If you don't know who your Congressman is - go to:
Here is what they are about:
Ammunition Accountability is a newly forming group of ammunition coding technology supporters. Our group includes gun crime victims, industry representatives, law enforcement, public officials, public policy experts, and more. We are working together to pass legislation to make ammunition coding technology a reality.
Ammunition coding technology works by laser etching the back of each bullet with an alpha-numeric serial number. Then when a potential criminal purchases a box of 9mm cartridges, the box of ammunition and the bullets’ coding numbers would be connected to the purchaser in a statewide database. When a bullet is found at a crime scene, the code on the bullet can be read with a simple magnifying glass and then be run through a statewide database to determine who purchased the ammunition and where, providing a valuable investigative lead.
To learn more about this organization, go to:
Ammunition Accountability is a newly forming group of ammunition coding technology supporters. Our group includes gun crime victims, industry representatives, law enforcement, public officials, public policy experts, and more. We are working together to pass legislation to make ammunition coding technology a reality.
Ammunition coding technology works by laser etching the back of each bullet with an alpha-numeric serial number. Then when a potential criminal purchases a box of 9mm cartridges, the box of ammunition and the bullets’ coding numbers would be connected to the purchaser in a statewide database. When a bullet is found at a crime scene, the code on the bullet can be read with a simple magnifying glass and then be run through a statewide database to determine who purchased the ammunition and where, providing a valuable investigative lead.
To learn more about this organization, go to:
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